CWO // Adjuc Denis Rutherford, CD

    • CWO Denis Rutherford, CD

    After more than 32 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, CWO Denis Rutherford, CD will retire 23 August 2017.  A Depart with Dignity Ceremony will take place 23 June 2017 at a venue TBC.  Attendees are requested to advise the OPI of their planned attendance NLT 30 May 2017.  Anecdotes or retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI by e-mail.

    Chief Warrant Officer Denis Rutherford will be retiring from the Canadian Forces on 24 Aug 2017 after more than 32 years of distinguished, loyal and dedicated service. Denis joined the CAF on 26 May 1985 and was soon off to BFC St-Jean, QC for Basic Training before heading west for Chilliwack and the joys of Combat Engineer School. After successfully completing his QL3 training as a Combat Engineer in Chilliwack, young Spr Rutherford made his way to BFC Valcartier in Aug of 1986 to serve among the ranks of the 5th RGC. Denis remained in Valcartier until his remuster to his current Firefighter trade in 1991.

    Upon receiving his new qualification he found himself posted to CFB Ottawa where he worked as a junior Firefighter. Upon Base closure in 1994, Denis remained in the Ottawa region and worked as a fire inspector and deployed on a six-month tour in Haiti in 1995. During his tour, he received a Commendation for his crucial involvement during a warehouse fire in Port au Prince where he found himself directing the local firefighter crews who had limited training and resources. July of 1996 brought a sea tour and a posting to Halifax NS, where Denis could be found onboard the HMCS Halifax. During that time, Denis served with Allied Forces and embarked on a six-month tour that sailed the African and South American Coasts.

    In 2001 he was promoted to MCpl and posted to CFB Borden as a trade Instructor at the Canadian Forces Fire Academy. During this posting, Denis was promoted to Sgt in 2003. After instructing a new generation of Firefighters for 3 years, he was then posted to the Canadian Forces Nuclear Biological and chemical school for one year as an instructor. He then returned to Halifax for yet another see tour, but this time on the HMCS Ville De Quebec in the summer of 2005. This was to be a short posting as he was promoted to WO in June 2006 and posted to the 19 Wing Comox Fire Hall as a Platoon Chief. During this time, Denis enjoyed a tour in Dubai in 2008 where he received a second Commendation for his outstanding contribution to the theatre support element JTF Afghanistan.

    In July of 2010, newly promoted MWO Rutherford, headed for our Nation Capital to face the challenges associated with the Canadian Forces Fire Marshal’s office in the operations section. This was yet to be another short posting as he headed back to 19 Wing Comox in Jul 2011 to be the Deputy Fire Chief. Denis was promoted to CWO in Jul 2015 and posted to his current position at 1 Canadian Air Division in Winnipeg as the RCAF Deputy Fire Marshall.

    Having completed 32 plus years as a firefighter this coming August 2017, CWO Rutherford will be retiring from the CAF. Denis and his wife Martine will be relocating back to Comox, BC where he will be reunited with his two children Sean and Mélanie. He intends to spend his time enjoying his life with his wife, family and riding his Harley-Davidson.