Cpl P.M. Vielfaure, CD

    • Cpl P.M. Vielfaure, CD

    After 20 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers Branch, Cpl Paul Vielfaure, CD, will retire on 20 September 2022. A DwD will be held at CFB Winnipeg on a date to be determined. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to Cpl L.B. Pastershank at Lucas.Pastershank@forces.gc.ca.

    Cpl Vielfaure joined the CAF in September 2002 in Winnipeg, MB. He attended Recruit Training at CFLRS in Esquimalt, BC, then continued with QL3 as a Supply Tech in 2004 at CFB Borden. Upon completion of his training, Cpl Vielfaure was posted to CFB Greenwood, NS. In 2006, he was posted to CFB Winnipeg, from where he deployed to Camp Mirage in 2007.

    In 2011, Cpl Vielfaure deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan, where he earned the Camp CO’s Commendation and coin for his work with the 22nd Regiment.

    Cpl Vielfaure was promoted to Master Corporal in 2013 and posted to CFSSAT in Winnipeg, MB. After two years, he re-mustered to PH tech in September 2015.

    After Cpl Vielfaure completed his PH Tech qualification at CFSME in CFB Gagetown, he was posted back to Winnipeg in March 2015, where he has remained since.

    Following retirement, Cpl Vielfaure will remain in Winnipeg, having accepted a position at RPOU West (Det Winnipeg). He is looking forward to spending more time with his wife, Marnie, and his daughters, Jayla and Jordyn.

    Anecdotes and messages of congratulations may be sent to Cpl L.B. Pastershank at 17 MSS CE Flt. All replies will be presented during a ceremony at CFB Winnipeg on a date to be determined.