Cpl C.G. Saunders

    • Cpl C.G. Saunders

    After 4 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, Cpl Christopher Saunders will release 03 October 2022. At the member’s request, a small gathering will be held on 23 September 2022 at 14 Wing Greenwood in Building 63. Anecdotes or well wishes may be sent to Sgt A.C. Craig at Adam.Craig@forces.gc.ca or by phone at 902-844-2422

    Cpl Christopher Saunders was born into a military family on 11 April 1999 in Greenfield Park, Québec.

    Cpl Saunders enrolled in the CAF as an Electrical Generating Systems technician in Kingston, Ontario, on 19 April 2018. Following Basic Training at CFLRS in Saint-Jean-surRichelieu, Québec, he moved to CFSME in Gagetown, New Brunswick, for QL3.

    Upon the completion of QL3, Chris was posted to the Construction Engineering Flight of 14 Mission Support Squadron in July 2019. Cpl Saunders spent his time at CFB Greenwood improving the stand-by power equipment and taking part in numerous taskings to support domestic operations and exercises. Over four years of service, Chris received multiple coins for his work, dedication, and ability to lead fellow soldiers on exercises across Canada.

    Cpl Saunders will release from the CAF on 03 October 2022 and move to a position with Aggreko Canada Inc. as an Electrical Generator Technician.