31 Aug 2021
After more than 17 ½ years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Master Corporal Howard Smith, CD, retired on 31 Aug 2021. A DWD was held at the Chuck’s Roadhouse Bar & Grill....
31 Aug 2021
After 16 years of loyal service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MCpl Matthew Daigle, CD will retire on 31 Aug 2021. Congratulatory messages and best wishes can be sent to MCpl J.A. Scott at ADAM.SCOTT2@...
31 Aug 2021
After more than 36 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, CWO Dave Coxall, MMM, CD, will retire on 31 August 2021. At this time, no formal retirement function will take place...
30 Aug 2021
After more than 12 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Cpl Joseph Krawczyk will retire on 30 August 2021. At this time, no formal retirement function will take place....
27 Aug 2021
After more than 22 years of loyal service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO Peter Leighton will retire on 27 Aug 2021. At the member’s request, no formal retirement function will take place....
20 Aug 2021
After 8 years of loyal service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MCpl Ayden Wright will release from the CAF on 20 August 2021. Congratulatory messages and best wishes can be sent to Sgt T.C. Ethier at ...
18 Aug 2021
Maj Frank Bird, MSM, CD, will retire on 18 August 2021 after more than 36 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch. Due to COVID-19 restrictions there will be no DWD;...
16 Aug 2021
After nine years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and Canadian Military Engineers, MCpl Michael Bergeron will release from the CAF on 16 August 2021. A DWD will take place in mid-September. Messages and best...
15 Aug 2021
Après 12 ans de service loyal et dévoué aux Forces armées canadiennes et aux Génies militaires canadiens, le Capt Karan Malhan prendra sa retraite le 15 août 2021. Les messages de félicitations et les de meilleurs vœux peuvent être envoyés...
13 Aug 2021
After 4 years of loyal service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Spr Justin Stanton will release on 13 Aug 2021. Messages and best wishes can be sent to Sgt A.M. Crozier at Adam.Crozier@forces.gc.ca.
11 Aug 2021
After more than 20 years of loyal service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO Micheal Cyr, CD will retire on 11 Aug 2021. Congratulatory messages and best wishes can be sent to WO S.J. Carroll at Sean....
06 Aug 2021
MWO Brian Highfield, CD, will retire on 06 August 2021 after more than 35 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch. If Covid-19 restrictions allow, there will be a DWD on...
04 Aug 2021
After more than 22 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MWO Joshua McNutt, CD, will retire on 04 August 2021. At the member’s request, no formal retirement function will...
02 Aug 2021
After more than 14 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO, Ryan Nord, CD, will retire on 02 August 2021. Anecdotes, congratulatory messages, and pictures can be sent to MWO...
30 Jul 2021
After more than 22 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Maj Jean-Claude Comeau, CD, will retire on 30 July 2021. Due to the current situation, no Depart with Dignity...
21 Jul 2021
After more than 14 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Cpl Levi Williamson, CD, retired on 21 July 2021. Congratulatory messages and best wishes can be sent to WO M.C.S....
21 Jul 2021
MCpl Easton enrolled in the CAF on 04 Sep 2010 in Edmonton, Alberta. He was flown to CFB Borden to complete the BMQ course, running from 7 Sep 2010 until graduation on 10 Dec 2010. He was then flown to CFB Gagetown where he completed SQ (...
17 Jul 2021
After 20 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Cpl Rejean Albert, CD, will retire on 17 July 2021. At Rejean’s request, friends and colleagues are welcome to attend his...
15 Jul 2021
After more than 20 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO Nick White, CD, will retire on 15 July 2021. Due to the current situation, a Depart with Dignity ceremony will be...
02 Jul 2021
After more than 30 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Sgt Matt Ridgeway, CD, will retire on 02 July 2021. On 03 July 2021, he will continue working as a DND civilian with...
01 Jul 2021
After more than 23 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces, the Royal Canadian Navy, the Royal Canadian Engineers, and the Royal Canadian Health Services. MCpl Jean-François Grenier, CD, will retire on 01 July...
30 Jun 2021
After more than 22 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Sgt John MacDonald, CD, will retire on 30 June 2021. As per Sgt MacDonald’s request, no formal retirement ceremony...
30 Jun 2021
After more than 31 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Capt Kelly Mackinnon,CD, will retire at the end of June 2021. At this time, no formal retirement function will take...
30 Jun 2021
After more than 34 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, CWO Dominic Gaudreau, MMM, CD, will retire on 30 Jun 2021. Anecdotes, congratulatory messages, and pictures can be...
28 Jun 2021
After more than 25 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO Marc Pouliot, CD, retired on 28 June 2021. At this time, the DwD date has not been established. Congratulatory...
24 Jun 2021
After more than 34 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MWO Robert (Bob) Gray, CD, will retire on 24 June 2021. There may be small DWD ceremony in late June, if COVID-19...
23 Jun 2021
After more than 36 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Capt Tracy Sprague, CD, will retire on 23 June 2021. After pandemic related delays, the Depart with Dignity for Capt...
21 Jun 2021
After more than 23 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Cpl Jason Cuppage, CD, retired on 21 June 2021. Congratulatory messages and best wishes can be sent to Sgt K.R....
15 Jun 2021
After 7 years in the Canadian armed forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Capt Lukas Kaemmerer released on 15 June 2021. At the member’s request, an informal retirement ceremony took place in 5 RGC. All congratulatory messages,...
15 Jun 2021
After more than 12 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MCpl Connor Nowlan will retire on 15 June 2021. Due to the current situation, a Depart with Dignity ceremony will be...
14 Jun 2021
After more than 33 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MWO Marco Lacroix, CD, will retire on 14 June 2021. Due to the current situation, a Depart with Dignity ceremony will...
08 Jun 2021
After more than 25 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MWO Andy Ronalds, CD, will retire on 08 Jun 2021. Anecdotes, congratulatory messages, and pictures can be sent to MWO...
01 Jun 2021
Gordon joined the CAF on June 1975 and did his recruit training at CFB Cornwallis, NS. In Sept 75 he was posted to CFB Petawawa ON to the 8th Canadian Hussars during which time he completed his Combat Leaders Course, was promoted to MCpl...
01 Jun 2021
After more than 5 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Cpl Maxime Grondin-Morais will retire on 01 June 2021. To respect current health measures, there will be no Depart...
31 May 2021
After more than 23 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Major John Hayward, CD, retired on 31 May 2021. Due to the current situation, a DwD ceremony will be held in...
31 May 2021
After more than 31 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MWO Rodney Densmore, CD, will retire on 31 May 2021. To respect current health measures, there will be no Depart with...
30 May 2021
After more than 21 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO Josue Filiatreault, CD, retired on 30 May 2021. Due to the current situation, a Depart with Dignity ceremony will...
28 May 2021
After more than 10 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, MCpl Mathew Curry will retire on 28 May 2021. Due to the current situation, a Depart with Dignity ceremony will not...
25 May 2021
Sgt Dave Carpenter, CD, will retire on 25 May 2021 after more than 16 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI,...
20 May 2021
After more than 23 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Sgt Éric Beaudet, CD, will retire on 20 May 2021. Anecdotes, congratulatory messages, and pictures can be sent to WO...
14 May 2021
Brian decided at a young age to leave Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia and travel to the West coast of Canada in search of a career with the Navy. In April 1982 he found himself onboard HMCS Gatineau, HMCS Thunder and finally HMCS Chignecto as a...
02 May 2021
After more than 5 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, Cpl Raymond Studerus, will retire 02 May 2021. At the members request, a DWD will held on 20 Apr 2021 from...
01 May 2021
CWO Chris La Salle was born in Burlington, Ontario. He was heavily influenced by his scout leaders with their past military service, leading him to join the Canadian Forces on 28 Aug 1986 in Hamilton. He took his basic training at CFB...
21 Apr 2021
WO Sébastien Fortin, CD, will retire on 21 April 2021 after more than 19 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI,...
19 Apr 2021
After more than 24 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO Tony Morinville, CD, will retire on 19 April 2021. Anecdotes, congratulatory messages, and pictures can be sent to...
14 Apr 2021
After more than 15 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO Patrick Longmire, CD, retired on 14 April 2021. No formal retirement function took place. Congratulatory messages...
12 Apr 2021
After more than 44 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO Craig MacLeod, CD, will retire on 12 April 2021. Anecdotes, congratulatory messages, and pictures can be sent to...
09 Apr 2021
After more than 27 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, LCol Mike van Marum, CD, will retire on 09 April 2021. Anecdotes, congratulatory messages, and pictures can be sent...
06 Apr 2021
06 Apr 2021
After more than 32 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Sgt Jason Lacelle will retire on 06 April 2021. Due to the current situation, a DWD gathering is not permitted in...