CME Family Retirements

The CMEA posts a notice of the retirement of all members of the CME family as soon as we are notified. If there is a function marking the retirement, we will need the time, date, place, cost and the name and contact details for the organizer.  It is expected units will initiate appropriate steps to ensure all members of the CME family are duly recognised on completing their service.

You can search our list of retired members by year or by name. Our current records go back to 2006. If you find any errors or omissions in your retirement details or those of another Engineer, let us know and we will fix them.  If you retired before 2006 and want your retirement details posted, send the details to us.  We need the full name, rank, decorations, date of retirement and if possible, a biography of all retiring or retired members. 

Writing a good retirement narrative is an important task and should not be taken lightly.  We owe our departing comrades an appropriate good-bye, thank you and best wishes for the future when they leave.  A narrative reflecting their service, sacrifices and achievements should be recorded and made available to friends and family. Click here for a short guideline that should prove useful if you are the person who has been assigned the honoured task of writing a comrade's retirement narrative.

Retirement Certificates are distributed by the CME Adjutant.  Members requesting these certificates are to complete, save and email the downloadable form below to the CME Adjt  at

If there are errors in any retirement notice or if you do not want your retirement details published on our site please contact the Webmaster

  • 18 Apr 2006

  • 11 Apr 2006

  • 04 Apr 2006

  • 04 Apr 2006

    Captain Zoltan Szabo is retiring from the Canadian forces after 40 years of distinguished service in CFB Moose Jaw, CC UNFICYP, 1 Construction Engineering Unit, CFS Alert, CFB Ottawa, CFB Chilliwack, CF School of Military Engineering, CF...
  • 04 Apr 2006

  • 04 Apr 2006

  • 01 Jan 2006

    Maj Alain Perreault, CD2
    Maj Perreault joined the CF in 1976 after completing his bachelor degree at Laval University in  Quebec City. He then carried on with basic training at CFOCS Chilliwack followed by the CMEO course at CFSME in 1977 with a three week stint...
  • 16 Sep 2005

    Mme Karen Ellis presenting the ADM(IE) Plaque to Mr. Neale // Mme Karen Ellis présente la plaque de départ du SMA(IE) à M. Neale
    Mr. Doug Neale Farewell Ceremony – 16 Sep 05 Members of the Engineer family gathered at the Ottawa Army Officer’s Mess on 16 September 2005, to celebrate the long and distinguished career of Mr. Doug Neale. Doug retired from the Public...


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