CME Family Retirements

The CMEA posts a notice of the retirement of all members of the CME family as soon as we are notified. If there is a function marking the retirement, we will need the time, date, place, cost and the name and contact details for the organizer.  It is expected units will initiate appropriate steps to ensure all members of the CME family are duly recognised on completing their service.

You can search our list of retired members by year or by name. Our current records go back to 2006. If you find any errors or omissions in your retirement details or those of another Engineer, let us know and we will fix them.  If you retired before 2006 and want your retirement details posted, send the details to us.  We need the full name, rank, decorations, date of retirement and if possible, a biography of all retiring or retired members. 

Writing a good retirement narrative is an important task and should not be taken lightly.  We owe our departing comrades an appropriate good-bye, thank you and best wishes for the future when they leave.  A narrative reflecting their service, sacrifices and achievements should be recorded and made available to friends and family. Click here for a short guideline that should prove useful if you are the person who has been assigned the honoured task of writing a comrade's retirement narrative.

Retirement Certificates are distributed by the CME Adjutant.  Members requesting these certificates are to complete, save and email the downloadable form below to the CME Adjt  at

If there are errors in any retirement notice or if you do not want your retirement details published on our site please contact the Webmaster

  • 01 Feb 2019

    Major Johanne Côté, CD
    Major Côté joined the Canadian Forces in June 1987. She graduated from Laval University in 1989 with a degree in Civil Engineering. After her final training at Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering in Chilliwack, BC, she was...
  • 29 Jan 2019

    WO Curtis McInnis, CD
    Warrant Officer Curtis McInnis joined the CF in Sydney, N.S. on 25 April 1989. On completion of his DP1 he was posted to 22 Fd Sqn (now 4 Engineer Support Regiment), CFB Gagetown where he was employed for fifteen years. He was promoted to...
  • 23 Jan 2019

    Capt John McPherson, CD
    After 31 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Engineer Branch, Capt (CWO) John McPherson CD has retired from CAF as of 23 Jan 2019.  If you have any anecdotes, congratulatory messages, or photos please send them to WO Darren Veinot...
  • 13 Jan 2019

    MWO Pierre Marcotte, CD
    After more than 31 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, MWO Pierre Marcotte, CD, retired on 13 January 2019.  A Depart with Dignity Ceremony will take on March...
  • 10 Jan 2019

    WO Craig Lynch, CD
    After more than 22 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, WO Craig Lynch, CD, will retire 10 Jan 2019.  On the 25th day of November 1993, a young WO Craig Lynch...
  • 01 Jan 2019

    Adjum/MWO Ron Granados, CD
    After 24 years of combined PRes and RegF service, MWO Ron Granados, CD will retire from CAF on 01 Jan 2019.  If you have any anecdotes or congratulatory messages please send them to WO AM Segall via e-mail at A...
  • 18 Dec 2018

    After 20 years of service, Master Corporal Branislav Kravjar retired in 2018 from 2 CER where he was serving.  A proud member of CAF, MCpl Kravjar joined on 10 September 1996 and served in the 32 CER as a Combat Engineer. During his time...
  • 08 Nov 2018

    Sgt Benjamin McCafferty, CD
    Sgt Benjamin McCafferty, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on the 8th of November 2018 after 23+ years of dedicated service to the CAF and the CME Branch (see bio attached).  Friends and colleagues are welcome to attend his...
  • 01 Oct 2018

    Adjum J.M.A. Dugas, CD
    MWO Marc-André Dugas, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 01 October 2018, after more than 33 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch (see bio attached). His Departure...
  • 30 Sep 2018

    LCol J.M.E (Eric) Quirion, CD
    After over 32+ years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the CME Branch, LCol J.M.E (Eric) Quirion, CD will retire on the 30 Sep 2018. A DwD luncheon will be held on 27 Sep 2018 from 1130hrs for 1200hrs at the RCAF Officer’s Mess...
  • 28 Sep 2018

    The UN vet
    Wayne Mac Culloch, CD will be retiring on the 28th of September 2018 after 50+ years of loyal and dedicated service to Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers. His farewell will be held at the Army Officers’...
  • 25 Sep 2018

    LCol Jason Porteous, CD
    Jason Porteous was born in Sudbury, Ontario, growing up in various northern Ontario communities before graduating high school in Marathon ON and enrolling in the Canadian Armed Forces in 1990. After completing BOTC in Chilliwack B.C. he...
  • 15 Sep 2018

    After 13 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, Sergeant Paul MacMillan will retire 15 Sept 2018.  A Depart with Dignity Ceremony will take place at the CFB...
  • 10 Sep 2018

    MWO Steven Hall, CD
    MWO Steven B. Hall, CD will be retiring on the 10th of September 2018 after 32+ years of loyal and dedicated service to Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers (see bio below). His DWD will be held at the WO’s...
  • 06 Sep 2018

    Cpl Jonathan Robins, CD
    Cpl Jonathan Robins, CD will be retiring on the 6th of September 2018 after 13+ years of loyal and dedicated service to Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers. His DWD will be held at the GAHAN House...
  • 06 Sep 2018

    Maj H.J. (Henry) Berghuis
    Major Henry Berghuis, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers on 6 September 2018, after exactly 30 years of service.  A Depart with Dignity luncheon will be conducted in his honour on 30 August ...
  • 01 Sep 2018

    Sgt Peter Cameron "Cam" Wilson, CD retired from the Canadian Armed Forces after 14.5 years of loyal and dedicated service. Members of 33CER will be hosting an informal Departure with Dignity for him to celebrate his years in uniform. The ...
  • 17 Aug 2018

    Maj Marc Michaud
    After 10+ years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the CME Branch, Maj Marc Michaud will retire on 17 Aug 2018. A Depart with Dignity will be held on Thursday, 16 Aug 2018 at 1100 hrs at the CJOC room S200, 1600 Star Top Rd,...
  • 15 Aug 2018

    WO/Adj Luc Taillon, CD
    WO Luc Taillon, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers on 15 August 2018, after 36 years of service.  A Depart with Dignity ceremony will be conducted in his honour on 5 October 2018, at 1100 hrs...
  • 15 Aug 2018

    Adj/WO D. Raymond, CD
    WO Denis Raymond, CD will be retiring on the 15th of August 2018 after 17+ years of loyal and dedicated service to Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers (see bio attached). Congratulatory messages can be...
  • 14 Aug 2018

    Maj Caroline Lapalme, CD
    After over 23 years of service with the CAF and the CME Branch, Maj F.P.C. (Caroline) Lapalme, CD will retire on the 14 Aug 2018. Maj Caroline Lapalme joined the Canadian Armed Forces more than 23 years ago in June 1995.  She obtained her...
  • 12 Aug 2018

    Capt (former CWO / ex Adjuc) Michel Rivard, CD
    Captain J.N.M. (Michel) Rivard, M.M.M., CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 12 August 2018, after more than 32 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch. His Departure will be...
  • 07 Aug 2018

    Capt J.R.J. Landry, CD
    Captain J.R.J. "Jacques" Landry, CD,  will retire from the CAF on 07 August 2018, after more than 35 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch (bio attached).  In order to honour Capt Landry’...
  • 03 Aug 2018

    CWO/Adjuc K.B. McIntyre, CD
    After more than 35 years of service to the CAF, CWO Ken McIntyre, CD will retire on 3 August 2018. A depart with dignity luncheon will be held on 22 June 2018 (1300 hrs) at the George Dennison Armoury Warrant Officer and Sergeant’s Mess in...
  • 02 Aug 2018

    WO Alain Vachon, CD
    WO (Mr Gnr) J.G.A. (Alain) Vachon retired from the Canadian Armed Forces and transitioned into a civilian position within DRDC-Suffield on 2 Aug 2018 following more than 30 year’s of service.  There will be a Depart with Dignity function...
  • 01 Aug 2018

    LCol Clément Rouleau, CD
    LCol Clément Rouleau, CD,  will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 01 Aug 2018, after more than 33 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch.  In order to honour LCol Rouleau’s service...
  • 20 Jul 2018

    MWO D.T. "Dennis" Cadeau, CD, will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on the 20 July 2018 with almost 39 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineers. There will be a small function held at a later...
  • 12 Jul 2018

    MWO Marshall Dumont, CD
    After 29+ years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, Master Warrant Officer Marshall J. Dumont, CD1 will retire 12 July 2018.  A Depart with Dignity Ceremony will take...
  • 08 Jul 2018

    Thursday 26 July 2018, 1500-1800 hours there will be a Depart with Dignity Ceremony (DwD) for MWO Stephen Viscount.  The DwD will be an informal affair as per Stephen’s wishes.  A $10.00 donation to cover food and a gift to Stephen will be...
  • 06 Jul 2018

    LCol Richard Busbridge, CD
    Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Busbridge, CD, PEng, PMP will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 6 July 2018, after more than 22 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch (bio attached).  In...
  • 04 Jul 2018

    LCol B.J. (Byron) Conway, CD
    After 30 years of service in the Canadian Armed Forces, LCol Byron Conway will be officially retiring on 04 July 2018.  A Depart with Dignity function will be conducted in his honour on 14 June 2018 at the Carleton Barrack’s Officer’s Mess...
  • 04 Jul 2018

    WO/Adj Sheldon Hawe, CD
    WO Sheldon Hawe, CD, will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on the 4th of July 2018 after 22+ years of dedicated service to the CAF and the CME Branch. Congratulatory messages or anecdotes can be sent to WO Dale Hickey by the 22nd of...
  • 02 Jul 2018

    Maj Mario Gingras, CD
    Maj J.O.M. (Mario) Gingras, CD retired from the Canadian Armed Forces on 2 July 2018 after more than 42 years of loyal and dedicated service with the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch. His departure will be celebrated at a...
  • 30 Jun 2018

    Maj Steve Card, CD
    Maj S.M. "Steve" Card, OMM, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on the 30 June 2018 with almost 37 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineers.  There will be a small function held at a...
  • 25 Jun 2018

    LCol Andrew Penney, CD
    After more than 35 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, LCol Andrew Penney, (bio attached), will retire on 25 June 2018.  A Depart with Dignity Ceremony will...
  • 24 Jun 2018

    MWO/Adjum Marty Francis, CD
    After more than 24 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the National Defence Fire Service (NDFS), MWO Marty Francis, CD will retire 24 Jun 2018.  An informal Fire Department (FD) BBQ  luncheon will be...
  • 18 Jun 2018

    LCol Phil Baker, OMM, CD
    LCol B.P. (Phil) Baker OMM, CD, will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on the 18th of June 2018 with 26 plus years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineers (See bio attached). To celebrate his years...
  • 15 Jun 2018

    Adj/WO Derek Fairbairn, CD
    After 20 years of service to the CAF, WO Derek Fairbairn will retire on 15 June 18. A depart with dignity luncheon will be held on 15 Jun at Barbie & Ken Bar & Eatery at 277 Restigouche Rd, Oromocto, NB. The OPI is WO Bobby Willis...
  • 13 Jun 2018

    Maj A (Andrew) McLachlan, CD
    Maj A (Andrew) McLachlan, CD, will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on the 13th of June 2018 with 32 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineers (See bio attached). To celebrate his outstanding...
  • 03 Jun 2018

    MWO/Adjum Carl Pelletier, CD
    MWO J.C. (Carl) Pelletier, CD, will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on the 3rd of June 2018 with 28 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineers (See bio attached). To celebrate his outstanding...
  • 05 May 2018

    CWO Phil West, CD will be retiring on 5 May 2018 after 36 plus years loyal service to the CAF (See bio attached). A unit luncheon will be held on 5 May to recognize his career. Visitors are welcome at 1130 hours at Bldg H19 on Base...
  • 05 May 2018

    Sgt Andre Boisvert, CD
    Sgt Andre Boisvert, CD retired from the Canadian Armed Forces after 13 years of loyal and dedicated service.  An informal DwD will be held at Johnny Canucks (1-900 Watters Road, Ottawa, ON K4A 0B4) starting at 1700 on 05 May 2018 to...
  • 03 May 2018

    Major James Stewart, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 3 May 2018, after more than 31 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch (bio will be sent later).  In order to honour...
  • 01 May 2018

    Capt Taylor Raeburn-Gibson
    After almost nine years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, Captain Taylor Raeburn-Gibson (bio attached),  will retire 01 May, 2018.  A Depart with Dignity Ceremony...
  • 30 Apr 2018

    Adj/WO P.J. Sheppard, CD
    WO Pierre Sheppard will be retiring from the CAF on 30 April 2018 after serving 25+ years of loyal and dedicated service (see bio attached).  A depart with dignity luncheon will be held on 26 April 2018 (1400 hrs) at Mama's Pub,...
  • 24 Apr 2018

    Sgt Danny Frigon, CD prendra sa retraite des Forces armées canadiennes le 24 avril 2018 après plus de 27 années de service loyaux et dévoués au sein des FAC et de la Branche du Génie militaire canadien (voir bio ci-jointe).  Veuillez...
  • 13 Apr 2018

    Maj James Boone, CD
    Maj James Boone, CD, will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 13 Apr 2018, after 23+ years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch (See bio attached).  A DwD will be a luncheon on a TBD date...
  • 09 Apr 2018

    MWO/Adjum Thomas Ayer, CD
  • 08 Apr 2018

    Sgt J.R. McKinley, CD
    Sgt Jamie McKinley, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 08 Apr 2018, after 20 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch (please see bio attached). A DwD will be held on 23 Mar...
  • 04 Apr 2018

    Capt Tony Brake, CD
    Capt Tony Brake, CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 04 Apr 2018, after 35+ years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch.  A DwD will be a luncheon held on 04 Apr 2018 at 1100 to...


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