Capt R. Lyman, CD

    • Capt R. Lyman, CD

    Capt R. Lyman, CD, will retire from the Canadian Armed forces on 30 Apr 2015 after 27 plus years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and CME Branch (please see attached bio). A DwD will be held in the staff lounge at CFSME, Gagetown on Thursday 16 April at 1500hrs. Congratulatory messages, anecdotes, photos and farewell wishes can be forwarded to Major P. McRae,

    Captain Richard Lyman enrolled into the Canadian Forces in September 1987 and after successful completion of his basic training and QL3 trades training, he was posted to 22 Field Squadron, CFB Gagetown as part of Resource Tp.

    While posted to 22 Fld Sqn, he strived to be qualified an all the equipment that was in the parking lot. He quickly re-mustered to Field Engineer Heavy Equipment Operator (FEE Op) and after his QL 5A Training he deployed to CFS Alert to practice his new skills. In 1992, he was posted to CFB Shilo where he worked with the Germany Army Training Establishment Shilo (GATES) where he continued to practise his heavy equipment skills.

    In 1996, he was posted to 2 CER, Petawawa as new MCpl and was employed between Heavy Equipment Troop and Armoured Troop. While in 2 CER he deployed to Bosnia, Manitoba Floods and the Toronto Snowstorm. In 1998 he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. In 1999, he was posted back to CFB Shilo working for GATES again. As a Recce Sergeant he was responsible for road construction projects during the extensive range improvements to CFB Shilo’s training area.

    In 2002, he was posted to 4 ESR where he was afforded the opportunity to complete a HC course. In Jan 2003 he was promoted to Warrant Officer where he was the MCM Tp WO and completed the HB course in AFB Eglin, Florida. Before leaving the Regt he was also the Heavy Equipment Tp WO and Regt Ops WO. In 2005 he was posted to CFSME as the Heavy Equipment Cell Supervisor in Lavina Woods.

    In 2006, he was promoted to Master Warrant Officer and posted back to 4 ESR as 45 Support Sqn SM. He quickly became the SSM of CIED Sqn and completed a tour of Afghanistan in 20007. On return from tour, he was given 45 Support Sqn SM again and then moved to 48 Admin Sqn until he was posted out in 2009 to Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters (CFJHQ) in CFB Kingston.

    While posted to CFJHQ he deployed Haiti after the earthquake (2010) as the DART SM. On return from tour he commissioned from the ranks and became a Captain. He was posted to 1st Canadian Division Headquarters as the CIED advisor to the Commander. In 2012 he was posted back to CFB Gagetown as the Engineer Trials Officer in Canadian Army Trials and Evaluation Unit. In 2014 he was posted to his current position as the 2IC of Admin Sqn at CFSME.

    Captain Richard Lyman is married to Cathy and they have two daughters Stephanie and Melissa. He will start his retirement leave on 17 April 2015. Chimo!

    In order to honour Rick’s service in the CAF and to wish him well in his new life, at Rick’s request a small gathering at CFSME Staff Lounge at 1500 hrs on Thursday, 16 April 2015. Capt Lyman will be retirement leave starting 17th of April until his retirement date 30 April 2015. Any congratulatory messages or stores can be sent to Major Peter McRae at: