Capt Michel Rivard, CD
Captain J.N.M. (Michel) Rivard, M.M.M., CD will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 12 August 2018, after more than 32 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch. His Departure will be celebrated during an informal lunch, that will be held at the Montreal Garrison Mess on Friday 07 September 2018, at 1200 hrs. You can send congratulatory messages or anecdotes to Major Steeve Camirand ( - before 12 August 2018.
Captain (Capt) Michel Rivard was born in April 1967 in Rouyn-Noranda. He enrolled in the CAF in October 1985, as a Combat Engineer.
In December 1986, he completed the Combat Engineer qualification level 3 course in Chilliwack and was posted to 4 CER in Germany. In 1991, he was posted to 9 Field Engineer Squadron in Rouyn-Noranda.
In 1992 he was promoted MCpl and posted to 5 CER in Valcartier. In 1993, he deployed to Yugoslavia on OP CAVALIER. Following his promotion to Sgt, he had two deployments: OP HARMONY Yugoslavia in 1995 and OP STABLE Haiti in 1996. In 1999, he was promoted Warrant Officer and employed as Tp WO in 52 Fd Sqn.
In 2000, he was posted to the Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School (CFLRS) in Saint-Jean-surRichelieu. He was promoted to the rank of MWO in 2003 where he served as Division Sergeant-major.
In 2004, he returned to 5 CER in Valcartier where he served as Squadron Sergeant-major in 51 Fd Sqn and 58 Adm Sqn.
In 2007, he was posted to 5 Area Support Group as the Garrison Sergeant-major in Longue-Pointe, Montreal. In 2008, he was promoted to the rank of Chief Warrant Officer and posted to Ottawa where he served one year as Career Manager.
In June 2009, he returned to 5 CER where he served as the Regimental Sergeant Major. During that time, he deployed to Haiti for a short period as part of OP HESTIA, Haiti.
In May 2012, he was posted in Longue-Pointe, Montreal as the Assistant Judge Advocate General Chief Warrant Officer – Eastern Region (AJAG CWO). In 2015, CWO Rivard took his commission and was posted to 2 CDN Div HQ as Engineer Advisor, where he will end his military career.
Capt Rivard is married to Nicole Labine and they have one daughter (Melanie). Michel will be a full-time retiree. His free time will be dedicated to his family and his physical training (cycling and running).