Capt Martin Boudreau, CD
Born in Havre saint-Pierre, Capt Martin Boudreau enrolled on the 18 Dec 1970 as a Firefighter. He started his training on the 21 Mar 1971 at St-Jean followed up with English training from Jun to Sep of that year. From Oct 71 to Jan 72 he was course loaded at the Aerospace and Ordinance school before proceeding to his firefighter course. In May 1972 after completion of his course, he was posted to Portage la Prairie. In Aug 1976 he was posted to Baden-Soelligen and during his tour overseas he was promoted to MCpl.
In Aug 1981 he was posted to CFB Bagotville, QC and during his tour at Bagotville he met is wife Denise. In 1987 another posting this time with a family and in the direction of the East Coast on board HMCS Algonquin just long enough to bring the ship for refit at Québec city. Returning from Quebec he was then posted to HMCS Saguenay. In 1989 he received a transfer to CFB Uplands and two months later was promoted to Sgt. During his stay in Ottawa; he was deployed to the Golan Heights for a six month tour where in theatre he was promoted to WO.
In 1995 on Base closure he was posted again to CFB Bagotville until 2000. Then he moved to the prairies with a promotion to MWO at 1 CAD headquarter with A4AE in the tasking cell. In 2003 he was posted once again to CFB Bagotville but this time for a short period of 14 months as he was posted to CFB Comox. After 11 months at Comox, with a promotion to CWO he was posted to the Ottawa region at Louis St-Laurent for 3 years and once again deciding a move was in his future, he moved back to CFB Bagotville and assumed the role of Fire Chief on the 30 of Mar 2008. Capt Boudreau was commissioned to the rank of Capt on the 03 Jul 2008.
After a long wait, Capt Boudreau has come to a decision that it’s time for him to retire from the CF on the 23 of Jan 2009 after 38 years and 37 days of loyal and dedicate service. Capt Boudreau will remain in the Saguenay region (Arvida). Capt Boudreau is married to Mme Denise Desbiens, he has two children, Danny and Audrey and four grandkids, Marie-Claude, Annabelle, Sabrina and Yan.