Capt David Fenoulhet

    • Capt David Fenoulhet

    Capt David Fenoulhet, P.Eng will retire from the Canadian Armed Forces on 2 October 2017, after more than 11 years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch (please see bio attached).  In order to honour Capt Fenoulhet's service and to wish him well in his retirement, a DwD function will be held on Wednesday 27 September 2017, commencing at 1330hrs in the Infantry Room at the Army Officer's Mess in Ottawa, ON. Please send congratulatory messages or anecdotes to Maj Alain Ruel -<>
    (613-996-9941) before 2 October 2017.

    Dave enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces in 2006 out of London, Ontario. From a military family, he decided to enlist in the army like his father but bested him by signing up for a trade in the combat arms. Accepted into the Regular Officer Training Program, he attended the Royal Military College of Canada and graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering in 2010.

    Upon becoming trade qualified, a newly promoted Lt Fenoulhet was first posted to 1 Combat Engineer Regiment as the Heavy Equipment Troop Commander. In this position he returned to CFSME and attended the Heavy Ops and Plans course. While there, he was offered the rare opportunity to try out for yet another course; US Army Ranger school. Meeting the physical standards, he was sent for the sixty-one day course starting in Fort Benning, Georgia for zero week. Passing this selection phase, he then moved on to The Darby Phase still located in Georgia, the Mountain Phase in the Appalachians, and finally Swamp Phase based out of Fort Elgin in Florida. Earning his black and yellow tab in March 2012 was one of the highlights of his career and he returned to the unit as a Field Troop Commander in 12 Light Field Engineer Squadron. With the 1CER Para Section being part of this group, Lt Fenoulhet packed his bags and headed to Trenton for the Basic Parachutists course. For the final jump of J-Phase, the candidates were lucky enough to get the chance to exit a Griffon, at night, in full equipment before being given their jump wings.

    While on exercise in Chilcotin, BC with his troop, Lt Fenoulhet was informed that he would be deploying in the position of an Afghan Company Mentor for Op ATTENTION in Kabul. In July 2013, he arrived at Camp Blackhorse as a Captain. There he was able to train future Afghan Engineer Kandaks (Companies) in basic military engineering operations under command of a 2VP led taskforce.

    Once back in Canada, he was posted to Base Construction Engineering Services at CFB Edmonton and held the position of Project Manager. Needing to post someone to this unit for personal reasons, Capt Fenoulhet headed back to 1CER as their replacement after only four months and became the 2IC of 15 Support Squadron. He was also afforded the chance to take the Squadron to Wainwright on a regimental exercise as the Officer Commanding. Later on, he was assigned to help set up the newly re-formed 11 Light Field Engineer Squadron as 2IC during their high readiness training cycle.

    After over five years at 1CER, Capt Fenoulhet was then posted to Ottawa, once again in the infrastructure environment, as an Engineering Officer for Real Property Operations Group – Central where he will be transitioning to civilian life.

    Dave and his wife, Capt Megan Jamieson, retire after 11 and 12 years of service respectively and will be leaving the country for Queenstown, New Zealand in October of this year after rewarding careers in the Canadian Armed Forces.