Capt D.A. "Chuck" Debrie, MSM, CD
After more than 40 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch in both the Regular and Reserve Force, Capt Daniel (Chuck) Debrie, MSM, CD (bio attached), will retire 02 Dec 2016. A Depart with Dignity Ceremony is not planned. Anecdotes or retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI by e-mail. OPI:CWO Eric Barney or by phone at (705) 494-2011 ext 2020.
Capt Debrie was raised in Missanabie, ON and joined the CAF as an Armoured Crewman on 19 January 1976. Following Basic Training at Cornwallis he was posted to the 8th Canadian Hussars (8CH) at CFB Petawawa. After a short time, he re-mustered into the Engineers as a Plumber Gas Fitter (PG Ftr). Capt Debrie crisscrossed the country several times during his career, his postings include, two postings to CFB Moose Jaw, Detachment Dundurn, two postings to CFB Gagetown, NB. CFB Shilo, MB. CFB Winnipeg, MB. CFSME Chilliwack, BC. 1 CER, Edmonton, AB. JSG HQ Kingston, ON and finally, 22 Wing CFB North Bay. Over his career Capt Debrie has deployed on a multitude of operations and missions including: OP GAMESCAN (Montreal), OP TRELAR (Alert), OP SNOWGOOSE (UNFICYP Cyprus), OP DANACA (UNDOF Syria), OP RECORD (Kuwait), two tours on OP PALLADIUM (Bosnia-Herzegovinian), OP LION (Beirut) and two deployments on OP ATHENA (Afghanistan). In Jan 2013 he transferred to the RCAF Primary Reserve, was Commissioned to the rank of Captain, and served as the 22 Wing General Safety Officer at CFB North Bay.
Following 40+ years of service to the CAF Capt Debrie will retire in North Bay. Chuck is looking forward to spending time at the family camp in Missanabie, “chasing cars” with Anna; and looking for another job.