Canadian Bailey Bridge Survey

The Canadian Military Engineers Association is working to establish National Site(s) in Canada to recognize the contribution of the Bailey bridge to the Allied success in the Second World War as well as its contribution to Canada’s development and the Canadian Forces’ response to emergencies. We aim to locate Bailey Bridges that are in permanent use in Canada whether as part of a public highway system, a private road, or a pedestrian bridge on a remote public trail. To-date we have located some 100 bridges. See the compilation at Bailey Bridges in Canada.

If you are aware of another Bailey Bridge, please share this information using this form.  If you have any photos, please send them separately to CMEA History & Heritage.  Please use a separate form for each bridge you want to report.


If you are not certain, please refer to "Is it Really a Bailey Bridge?"

Does the bridge have a name, either official or unofficial? 

Add details as appropriate: nearest town; the name of the highway, road, or trail; the body of water the bridge is crossing.

If you can, please add the latitude of either end of the bridge, or of a nearby landmark.

If you can, please add the longitude of the same end of the bridge or the same nearby landmark.

How long is the bridge? Hint: Each panel is 10 feet long. If you count the panels from one end to the other, you can calculate the length.

Bailey bridges are built from steel panels 10 feet long and five feet high.  If the truss is one panel, the truss is a Single-Single design. If there are two panels side-by-side, it is a Double-Single design; if there are three panels side-by-side, the truss is configured as a Triple-Single truss. If the panels are stacked, for example, if two panels are stacked on top of two panels, the bridge has a Double-Double design.  Select the appropriate design from the list.  If the configuration is not on the list, please describe it in the Comments section below.

Do you know who built the bridge (private company, government agency, military unit)? 

Do any of the top panels have a 10-foot length of steel bolted onto them and pinned to a similar piece on the next panel? 

How many spans does this bridge have?

How many piers are there and how are they built (concrete, timber crib, pilings, etc.)?

Please add any comments you have that will help us confirm this information and add to our national record.

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