Sgt Henry Percy Chartres, 4th Field Company, Military Medal

CSM HP Chartres recieves the Military Medal from Gen Montgomery in Lentini, Sicily, 20 August 1943dc1
WOI Henry Percy Chartres, MM, CD Headstone, Belleville Cemetery, Belleville, Ontario

Henry Percy Chartres held the appointment of Company Sergeant Major (CSM) at the time of his award which was presented by General Bernard Montgomery on 20 August 1943 when the 1st Canadian Divisional Engineers paraded at Lentini as the Division prepared itself to be transported to the Italian mainland. It was the first gallantry award given to a member of the company. At home in Canada, Henry's wife Olive had been told he was missing in action.  Friends had taken her to a local movie theatre in Verdun, Quebec to ease her anxiety when during the newsreel, she saw her husband receiving the Military Medal from General Montgomery.  We assume she was informed later that her husband was no longer missing.  

Warrant Officer Henry Percy "Hap" Chartres, MM, CD died in Belleville, Ontario on 29 February 1984 at the age of 73 years. He is buried in the Belleville Cemetery. 

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During the period of operations from 14 July 1943 to 21 July 1943, this Non-Commissioned Officer had led many engineer reconnaissance parties under fire in order to get information for future operations. On 18 July and again on 19 July north of Piazza Armerina, Sicily, this Non-Commissioned Officer was in charge of road clearing parties while under fire. By his coolness and his example to his men, obstacles were quickly overcome.