LCol Robert Albert “Bob” MacDiarmid, CD (Ret’d)

    • LCol Robert Albert “Bob” MacDiarmid, CD (Ret’d)
    • CME Badge
    • LCol Robert Albert “Bob” MacDiarmid, CD (Ret’d)

    We regret to advise of the death of Lieutenant Colonel Robert Albert “Bob” MacDiarmid, CD (Ret’d) on 11 May 2000.

    Bob joined the Canadian Army in 1948 as a member of the Royal Canadian Engineers and was posted to the Royal Canadian School of Military Engineering in Chilliwack BC.  From the school, Bob was transferred to 23rd Field Squadron in Chilliwack followed by a posting to No. 7 Works Company in Fredericton, NB where he formed part of the project office for the building of the new Camp Gagetown NB.  From there Bob served with 3 Field Squadron in 1954 in Korea, a unit he would eventually command in 1961-1963 back in Chilliwack.  In 1963, Bob served as a United Nations Observer in Kashmir as part of the United Nations Military Observer Group.

    In the final years of his career, Bob served in Ottawa as the Military Engineer Advisor and was the Canadian Military Engineering Branch Co-Advisor.  His final posting was as Base Administration Officer in Camp Gagetown.  Bob retired in 1972.